
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Monarchy from a Rsenkreutzer perspective. Part 1

     From our perspective; "The ruler who rules least, is best!" The elector system before the decimation brought about by the catholic pagans of Rome, was a very efficient method of government, a system which allowed the continual rule of capable men, somewhat like the American, who if proven incompetent could be replaced. In the United States the electoral system is very simular, where the people never actually elect anyone, but if a politician gets too out of line, he can be deposed without violence.
One of the two oldest symbols of the Rule of Divine Right.
    This was the system of the electors. Just as in American politics, the electorate is looking for educated capable people to steer the course of the nation. When a leader is blatantly corrupt he is tossed out, but how a Senator or Congressman can vote to go to war; without any martial experience, without having experienced the smell of battle, the human degradation as a result of conflict, without ever having been in a one on one fight whose outcome can mean the loss of life, is beyond me. One might argue that men can intellectually understand that war is essential, but all too often that is questionable.
          Many a conflict entered into by the great powers was questionable, seemingly motivated by gain than righteousness. Do we adopt the rule of Mussolini's twentieth century philosophy; the 'military logic of fascism', or learn the lesson that Mussolini hanging from his toes, and ancient imperial Rome learned; 'Rome makes a desert, and calls it peace.' Where is ancient Rome now? What was Mussolini's end? Men are flawed, what else would government be?
     The Rosenkreutzer ideal is that the ruler is the patriarch of his people. He must make sure that the nation provides for the people, without causing misfortune. So the ideal of rulership has been lost on the creatures of the past, only to come back to plague us today. The problem with Monarchy is that they do not feel obliged to care for their people. The Rosenkreutzer dream was that government would be a unique spiritual brotherhood, wherein the highest ideals known to humanity would be captivated and practiced. An attempt in creating the heavenly Jerusalem upon the earth, ruled over by the Prince of Peace, who is the servant of God almighty his King, is the goal.
One of the oldest symbols of the Divine Right to Rule. Mankind has been plagued by bad government for far too long. How much government does he really need. The Biblical texts are clear on this, man does not need much. God is your King, and Judges can mete out the law. God warns; 'do not have a King'.  Samuel says, 'God is your King'. The people complained of the corruption of the Judges, why had they not thought about the corruption of rulers when they asked to have, ' a king we can see, as other nations have'.
     As the Buddhist contemplates; How can you walk through the Earth without doing harm? This is quite so, you cannot make an omelet without breaking some eggs, but you can stop eating omelets. The premise of stealing your way through life was one of the negative byproducts of the age of colonialism, and is often the approach of most businessmen. Though it brought western civilization to the less advanced parts of the world, exposing its denizens to some civilizing influences it had a harsh effect upon the natives.
will be
 The white mans burden may have been the premise to some but not the practice of most. While the westerners took everything of value, they did little different than the rulers in most places. When they could have elevated civilization to new heights, they took whatever they could find of value, and left cutting their losses. Obviously there was a great deal of politics and philosophizing over the whole issue which is more complex than this discussion permits, but in fact, that is what happened. When you take possession of a piece of real estate, you have to invest in it  to assure that it turns a profit. It is the same for people, invest in them wisely and the return will be greater. Suppressing the Naga and the Thugeee, the colonial masters fulfilled  a necessary function, though overall their influence was less than patriarchal in their administrations.
     The obsession with war was often child-like and irresponsible amongst a group of men who may have been bullied by domineering parents through their formative years. Often rulers lose touch with reality, in any political system. Train for war, struggle to maintain the peace, would be the true goal of any ruler, along with a balanced budget and the needs of his people taken care of. If the people cannot easily afford the basic comforts of life the patriarch is not keeping up with his responsibilities, and certainly not in a position to wage war.
     If a response to being attacked must be made by a principality which cannot afford to fight a war, then guerrilla tactics and mass insurrection must be followed if an outside power succeeds in occupying part or all of the realm. A war of attrition against an enemy where their supplies are stolen or cut off is the only approach that the leader of a people who cannot afford to fight a war must take. Unless the attacker has massive superiority, war will generally beggar most economies. The builder of Empire never stops running. The minute he does, is usually the beginning of his collapse.
     Frequently so called terrorist attacks on major powers within their own borders, are used as a vehicle for usurping the rights and freedoms of the very same citizens of that country. A responsible citizenry will aid in weeding out terrorists. Repression only leads to rebellion. The best response is limited. Security should only be to determine if weapons or explosives are present in sensitive areas. Real ID acts are pure fascism and should not be tolerated by a free citizenry. Wo haben sie laden,  became the most terrifying sentence in German under the Nazi's. It could be translated in modern American as' I need to see your ID'. It refers to your permission to travel.
     Continued in part 2.

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