In the renaissance there was a different mindset. They had realized that they lost quite a bit from the past. That which was lost must be found and renewed. Today a host of sophists presume that because marriage doesn't work, it is a thing of the past, we must no longer think in such terms, nor should we look to the past to see if we lost something. They believe that people from the past were ignorant, that there is little to learn from them, and that we must forge ahead. As is obvious, marriage does not work for a great many, but it does carry on none the less.
What has occurred is a disjointing of morals, and from this an end, or slow steady disappearance of our civilization. As population levels decrease in feminist societies we must ask ourselves whether or not this is good? After all, world population has increased so immensely that something must be done about it. In twenty or thirty years social systems will no longer maintain the benefits of economies of scale, and the few will have trouble maintaining advanced civilizations.
The answer given by the socialist is to import labor from less advanced markets to keep our societies going. One might question whether these people can or would be willing to maintain and further the most modern and advanced civs on the planet. Look at what life is like in the places they come from. there is a reason for that, and it is probably them.
If women cannot adhere to the role of wife and mother, what happens to the family. The modernist argues that we don't need that any longer. We have the education system to raise the children women bare, and there is no need for a woman to have to answer to a man any longer. If people come together in a living situation it should be as equals, sharing all responsibilities.
Ancient culture reveals that this was not the norm for over 20,000 years, especially in patriarchal societies. It was the patriarchies that conquered and divided up the world. Men, allowed to be masculine, created the environment which caused enough stress for modern science and development to occur. No stress, no car. No masculine arrogance-no great bridge, or skyscraper, or other means whereby the modern world deals with large numbers of people. All stated above is of course debatable.
In earlier times societies thought differently. Men needed to be masculine, women feminine. If that was not the case, then others who were masculine would conquer the weaker males. We see this today in cultures which compete with ours, and can only hope there are enough men who are naturally masculine, and willing to stop the barbarians at the gates. No one in Rome 200 AD could imagine the fall of Roman civilization. Obviously nothing is that simple, but this is why we see the rise of the right throughout Euro/American civilization.
The premise is only this; there are those of us who seek a religious life style, who have many traditional values, and who would like to live like men. To not be emasculated by our women, our children, nor our government. What to do? Those of us who live in the present, but have our feet firmly planted in the ground of the past, choose to not forget thousands of years of intelligence. We choose not to disregard the struggles of intelligent men, who strove to comprehend the workings of all things, while still cherishing the spirit of God. The modernist often likes to avoid the subject of God, or believes that there is no room for such fantasies.
Those of us who know otherwise, have realized that there can be no science without God. Problems will not be solved by simply rationalistic means alone. Though scientific method has its uses, inspiration is just as essential. Those of us who remember that men have not changed very much in thousands of years realize that many of their ideas and beliefs have merit. We look to them to aid ourselves in shaping our belief systems and morality so that we can live a full and satisfying life.
Let us then begin to look to these men of the renaissance, to the men who lived during biblical times, and beyond; to some of the most ancient men who ever walked the planet, and see what we can glean to shape and structure our reality, thereby enabling ourselves the ability to live a life we find whole and fulfilling.
There are those of us who along with all the men of the past which have adhered to the biblical traditions, can see no other ways to act. Yet all too often we are restricted by modern mores, lead astray by love, or sick and tired of being manipulated by women to the point where our enjoyment of the feminine experience is hampered if not entirely ruined. Some might joke, 'you can't live with them, or without them.' Some of us have decided we can live properly, as men, and create a rich satisfying life, without compromising away our manhood.
Let us start with men like Paracelsus, one of the great doctors and developers of the scientific method. He experimented, was open minded, tried to help the ill, was one of the first to realize that the mentally ill needed help, instead of simply locking them away. He also was an alchemist, with a reputation for creating a great many healing techniques which brought much success and many to seek his aid.
He was also a thinker, and philosophized upon many different subjects. Though somewhat persecuted in his own time, and often misunderstood, he never gave up his greatest care; God, and mankind. He believed that by studying the creation, we could learn to understand the Creator, and that by gaining knowledge, we could heal the sick and help our fellow man by following Christs mission; simply put; ' to love one another'.
Let us begin by perusing some selected writings of Paracelsus, and see where it takes us.
"Four things play a part in conception and birth: body, imagination, form, and influence. The "body" as ordained in the beginning must become a body and nothing else. For it is a law of nature that an oak tree must arise from an oak, and the same is true of the body of man. From the "imagination," and its objects, the child receives its reason. And just as heaven infuses the child with its motion, its good and evil qualities, sometimes strongly, sometimes weakly, so the imagination of man--like the stars--has a course, and makes the child's reason turn to higher or lower things. The third thing, the "form," compels the child to look like the one from whom it descends. And finally it is the "influence" that determines the health or sickness of the body. For in the same way as a strong architect erects good and solid buildings, and a weak one weak buildings, so it is in the conception of a child.
The imagination of a pregnant woman is so strong that it can influence the seed and change the fruit in her womb in many directions. Her inner stars act powerfully and vigorously upon the fruit, so that its nature is thereby deeply and solidly shaped and forged. For the child in the mothers womb is exposed to the mother's influence, and is as though entrusted to the hand and will of its mother, as the clay is entrusted to the hand of the potter, who creates and forms out of it what he wants and what he pleases.
Thus the child requires no stars or planets: its mother is its star and its planet.
God does not want man or woman to be like a tree which always grows the same fruit....Nor does He want every man to multiply his race, but created many without and many with seeds. He made each one different from the other.
God left him free to propagate his kind; according to his will, he may beget a child, transmit his seed, or not. God planted the seed in all its reality and specificity deep in the imagination of man....If a man has the will, the desire arises in his imagination, and the desire generates the seed....But man himself cannot kindle the desire, it must be fanned by an object. That is to say, when a man sees a woman, she is the object, and it depends only upon him whether he wants to fasten to it or not....God endowed man with reason, in order that he might know what the desire means. But he himself must decide whether to yield to it or not, whether to let it act on him or not, whether to follow his intelligence or not. God has entrusted the seed to man's reflective reason because the reflective reason encompasses both his intelligence and the object that inflames his fantasy. But all this takes place only if he himself wants it; otherwise there is no seed in him....It is the same with woman. When she sees a man, he becomes her object, and her imagination begins to dwell on him. She does this by virtue of the ability that God has bestowed upon....It is in her power to feel desire or not. If she yields, she becomes rich in seeds, if not, she has neither seed nor urge. Thus God left the seed to the free decision of man, and the decision depends upon man's will. He can do as he wishes. And since this free decision exists, it lies with both, with man and with woman. As they determine by their will, so will it happen--That is how matters stand regarding the birth of the seed."
He does not imply here that a woman cannot be made pregnant against her will. Simply put, he is stating that desire nature motivates both parties which lends to the strength and nature of the child. Under natural unforced conditions pregnancy often does not take. When the desire is strong, the force of passion creates the seed in strength and abundance for the man. There was an old magickal doctrine that states that something will be born from every sexual union, whether it be some odd astral entity, or a physical baby or an occurrence in daily life . One must use the energy of the lust and orgasm to imagine with, so that it does not get siphoned off by some low entity to create something evil. Through visualization and mental control this energy can cause events to occur in the future, and as an energy force, can be used to nourish the body and heal, rather than in bringing forth a new life. This Psychic force has a great influence upon the conceived child as he or she is made and forms.
To return to Paracelsus; "Just as there is love among cattle, which come together couple by couple, female with male, so also among men such love is of the animal kind, and is inherited from the animal. This love has its rewards, but it remains animal, and it is mortal, it does not endure, and it reflects only the reason and aspiration of instinctual man. It does not know higher goals. It is because of this animal love that people can be friendly or hostile, well or ill disposed toward one another, exactly as animals are fierce and angry, envious and hostile toward one another. Just as toads and snakes always behave according to their nature, so do men. And just as dogs and cats hate each other, so nations fall into conflicts. All this is rooted in the animal nature. When dogs bark and snap at one another, it is because of envy or greed, because each of them wants to have everything for himself, wants to devour everything himself and begrudges everything to the other; this is the way of beasts. In this respect, man is the child of dogs. He, too, is burdened with envy and disloyalty, with a violent disposition, and each man grudges the other everything. Just as dogs fight over a bitch, so the courtship of men is doglike in nature. For such behaviour is also found among the beasts, and it is the same among them as among men."
Paracelsus' opinion of the average man of his day is not very high. Things haven't changed much with people since then. His opinion was that not everyone was meant for marriage, but if you got married you stayed married. If the relationship grew cold, he believed the man had a right to stay married and take another woman to wife, using both in common, but of course the possibility of growing distant was always there even for the man, in which case they were to stay together. Paracelsus believed in an old testament approach, and realized that man could not be manly if he did not have sex. He even recommended drawing sun into the organ of sex if a man was becoming impotent, because his vitality was tied to the seed he produced. To Paracelsus women are essential to the vitality of men, as it was to the Taoists and Tantrasists of the East.
Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, believed that; "The words and works of God is quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes". In his case, he saw that people sinned, and that that is all there was to it. Some women proved to be un-marriageable, because of basic self will or simply because they liked varied sex partners. In the old testament an example is given of Judah.
As the story goes, his son died and he decided it was not his responsibility to take care of the sons wife. So he turned her out. She one night, waited by the roadside, veiled and voluptuous. He noticed and decided to lay with her. He had no money, so she asked for his ring, which she would hold there till after he came back with the money. He satisfied himself and left, but upon returning she was gone. Soon after she returned to see him as his daughter in law to beseech for help. Upon being shown his ring, he was shamed into supporting her realizing the error of his ways for he had forced her into that life. He is not punished, because a man cannot commit adultery except with another (living) mans wife, and she is forgiven because of his hard heart, and because prostitution was an accepted profession. If a married woman goes with a man other than her husband she is an adulterer, and in old testament law, a stoning offense. Christ came to relieve us of that burden, so a man has the right to put her out, divorce her, and be free of his obligation.
The infusion of matriarchal undertows in Roman culture seeping into the doctrine of the catholic church, along with the feminism of Queen Elizabeth, combined influences causing the rational of the dandy and romance period which has lasted till now, though marriage is thought of as a useless institution which can be broken at any time. To the fortune of women of old, marriage was permanent, even though a man could marry as often as he liked. Luther's thinking about women is extrapolated upon by him. He says that loose women become public property, and can commit service to the community, to mankind, and thusly in humility to God, by being prostitutes, by satisfying all comers, giving release and comfort to men as a means to finding a place in the world in humbleness and devout service. He did not believe in stoning them. The catholic church ran houses of prostitution until 1672.
All men till fairly recently have felt that women were created to serve men, and must do this in some way. Feminism is anti-christian, and anti-biblical tradition. It was considered satanism until the 1970's, but even the satanists would have women serving as many men as they were willing to take. The premise as I understand it, was that women were now free to do as they liked and no longer had any boundaries, which made a lot of men very happy. This should add to Paracelsus' comparing men and women to cattle, and lend definition to desire nature. But he also implied that all of this could be made use of in a spiritual way, a Magickal way.
Paracelsus' writings are spread far and wide. Sometimes he is writing on a subject, and will in the middle of that discourse expound upon another, so he must be quoted from memory as often his thoughts are hard to find. Let us proceed with his talk on Marriage.
"When a man and a woman who belong to each other and have been created for each other come together, no adultery will take place because they form one being in their structure, which cannot be broken. But if these two do not come together, there is no steadfast love, their love sways like a reed in the wind. When a man courts many women, he has not found the proper wife to complement him; similarly, a woman who carries on amorous intrigues with other men has not found the proper husband. But God has created each man's instincts in such a way that he need not become an adulterer. Therefore, for those who are not fit for each other, the commandment is to observe their marriage as if they belonged together. For there are two kinds of marriage--the one that God makes, and the one that man himself makes. In the first kind of marriage, husband and wife observe the commandment of their own accord; in the second, they do not, but are compelled to observe it.
Chastity endows a man with a pure heart and power to study divine things. God himself, who bids us do this, gave man chastity. But he who is unable to be his own master does better not to live alone.
Let us suppose that there are one hundred men and one thousand women in the world, and that each woman wants a man, and does not want to do without one. But there are only one hundred men; thus only one hundred women are provided for, and for nine hundred there is no provision. Whereupon it may happen that the women pursue the men in such a way that adultery will result.... Would it not be preferable to give each man ten women as wives instead of one, and thus to save the other nine from becoming whores? For God ordained that marriage be sacred, but He did not prescribe the number of wives, neither a high nor a low one: He commanded; thou shalt be faithful to thy marriage vow and thou shalt not break it. Now, it so happens that God has always created many more women than men. And he makes men die far more readily.
He always lets the women survive and not the men. Therefore it would be just not that three men should marry one woman, but that three women should marry one man, so that no path be opened to fornication. And if there is such a surplus of women, let it be taken care of by marriage, so that the meaning of God's commandment may be heeded....If this cannot be achieved by giving each man one wife, he should have two, or whatever number may be required to take care of the surplus. And all this should be done in a just way, not in the spirit of partisanship; treat the other man just as you want to be treated yourself....Why then issue laws about morality, virtues, chastity, and so forth? No one but God can give commandments that are permanent and immutable. For human laws must be adapted to the needs of the times, and accordingly can be abrogated and replaced by others."
Paracelsus was not the best of writers, but he gets his point across. He has deeply influenced the Rosenkreutzer movement, which among many things has been; an attempt to lead life in accordance with the laws of God while always seeking the truth. The idea of personal freedom for woman is a long debate. We find that women must of themselves choose to live by the law and God, and not be forced. Even arranged marriage should be had with consent by all involved. It is not meant to be without kindness, but spirituality as defined by the prophets and God who speaks through them is clear, yet so was Christ. Let God judge them.
Countries laws on the subject. Some men who want to live with more than one woman can do so by Gods law, and not the states. One must not look to the state for support either. Though biblical law states the age of 12 as marriageable, we recommend the laws of the state and to have no involvement with underage people. Personally I believe a woman is to0 immature to commit to anything before the age of 22, though who can say. Each of us must live by a positive and balanced approach, Most importantly we must each choose our path. To stay committed to another, to be wife or whore, are all personal choices which a free society allows. If a woman wants to be a feminist that is between her and God, as long as she doesn't force her will on another.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but most of all, love one another.
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