In our ever present attempt to aid and develop the exploration of the hidden and secret forces of the Universe(s), we would like to present a new field of study to many from an ancient source of wisdom called Tellurianism. A very good description of Tellurianism is given in the book 'Secrets of the Gods", by E.T. Stringer, which I believe is still readily available should you choose to fully read it. It is one of the best opening primers on the subject.
I quote; "According to Tellurianism, both you (and I) are built with a structure like that of a self-conscious, self-remembering onion. Each of the layers of the onion corresponds to a specific world, in which part of you exists. The middle layer of the onion represents the Everyday World. The layers inside this middle layer are the worlds within you, within every human being. You live in these worlds in your Lesser Bodies. The latter include not only the 'soul' of the religious believer, the 'soul personality' of the mystics, the 'astral body' of the magician, the 'inner men' of Gurdjieff, the Id, the Ego, and the Super Ego of the psychologist; they also include the cells that form the basic particles in the World conceived by the biologist, the molecules that constitute the building bricks of the chemists world, and the atoms and their constituent particles that form the only 'real objects' in the world of the physicist.
When you remove the smallest shell of your onion; when you break open the smallest of the sub-sub-atomic particles that the physicist can discover, you find... there is nothing. Your real world, the world in which the ultimate you-the Inner Self-lives, proves not to have any substance. There is just self at the centre of the onion, and the world it lives in is an illusory one, a mental world. There is just a consciousness, an awareness that tells you 'I am that I am', and a memory which, deep down, assures you that you always were what you are now, and always will be, whatever future shells you may acquire and eventually discard.
Around the middle layer of the onion--which corresponds, you remember, to the world you live in as a human being--are wrapped other layers, that represent the worlds you inhabit in your Greator Bodies. The first of these layers represent the Telluric World. You live in this world in your everyday human body, but you look out at it in a very special, enlightened fashion, as explained in Chapter Four. When fully conscious in the Telluric World, you realize that in your ordinary life you have been dreaming. For you now see that man-made objects in the everyday world, which you thought were dead matter, are in fact very much alive.
You see that buildings are telluric plants, that grow and ripen, flower and decay. You see that villages and towns are telluric vegetation, telluric plant communities that are greater than the sum of the individual 'plants'--i.e., the individual houses, shops, churches and factories--comprising them. You see that cities and conurbantions are the forests and deserts of the Telluric World, each vibrant with its own very special forms of life. And the animal forms of the latter are fascinating, confirming suspicions you may have experienced at certain impressionable moments in your everyday life. Have you not felt the life force, the majestic individuality, of some superb railway engine, or of some mighty ocean liner? In the Telluric World, these creations of man do indeed live a life of their own. Aircraft are the birds of the Telluric World, road vehicles are the insects, railway trains are the worms, submarines are the fish. We need a type of natural history, to catalogue and describe the 'plants' and 'animals' of this new type of world, in which each of us moves every day without being aware of the fact."
What Stringer is getting at is that; " The human body is roughly mid-way in the hierarchy of bodies that are available for the Inner Self to inhabit. Other bodies are greator than the human: thus Tellurianism postulates that what we call organic life forms a single body, which it terms 'Life'. Through Life, the Inner Self' becomes aware of the Earth as a planet, and of the Solar System. To study geolography, all human beings must adopt a specific viewpoint of life. Thus it is as Life that we study the physical Earth. And it is as Earth that we study the stars for Tellurianism suggests that the Earth--at a planetary level--forms a living body, in whose consciousness man has a definite part to play. The nature of all these great 'bodies', and their influence on our daily lives, is the main concern of this book.
It must be remembered that the alchemists talked about life as existing on the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral level. The earth itself is a life form, Animals and Vegetables are constantly evolving and being evolved. In the case of man, his influence is so great in the ethers that that which he creates takes on a life unto itself. We could call these machine spirits, if we were to relate them to mechanical and electronic devices. The world of Yetzirah, translates as the world of formation. It is the mental world, where by force of mind, all things are formed, and then become manifest in Assiah, the material world.
The Mind of God is so great, that His Will is quickly made manifest. Like the machine spirit which can be created by men who are in close proximity to the use or design of a device, the mind of God affects His creation. The closer in affinity, the greator the connection. In this then one can comprehend the mystic who absorbs the flavor of the vast mind, and coaxes out a description of what that is. The messenger is led by its Chief. As the first word in Genesis states; Bera= the chief/shith= of the spirit, Said to the Elohim=gods the infinite immortal souls; let us make man. As we frequently state: Jesus said what more can I offer you then to be as gods. When you are one with the Father you become a son of man, and can read the spirit of humanity, what some in modern times have gleaned as the group mind; attributed to the Sephirah Netzach.
Thus the group mind of mankind is Venus like, impressed by love, or at least sex as is often realized by the advertising industry and other forms of propaganda agencies. Mankind influences through this group mind, and is influenced by it. The visions created of the future by movie makers have so imprinted themselves on this group mind that masses expect the future as well as to bring about this future made by the imaginings of the entertainment industry. Myths did this in the past, but both are caused by the group mind or by the mind of the planets, including the one we dwell upon, as well as the influence of the star that sustains us all.
The star is a reaction, caused by the Mind of God, this Mind, so expansive that it is beyond measurement. Yet the spirit of the Earth could be measured, if men would seek it out. This same spirit causes life to grow upon the earth in a significant way, as does the Spirit of God. Mystics and Magickians (the practical Qabalists of whom Jesus was said to be greator than Solomon, both being deemed able to work Magick, that is the act of causing phenomena to occur in accordance with Will, all true Will coming from God. The Qabalah means;' to receive from God', the Practical Qabalist receives what is possible to make happen, and with God they do. Hence; Jesus was greator than Solomon.) throughout the ages are as much moved to do what they 'will', as the 'Will' of God wishes.
Men build upon the Earth in a way that is stimulated by the Earth itself. The Telluric influences shuffle us about, and unfortunately we leave in our wake deserts, the great deserts being in the oldest places. Yet it would seem that there are some places where desert forms naturally, as in the case of the Gobi, which was one mountains. Yet in the Gobi there are vast patches of blackened glass, unlike obsidian, which seemed to have been formed by blasts of heat greator than any naturally occuring. Such patches have been found in Egypt.
Their historical records, both in Egypt and India, but lost to us from the Gobi as the self righteous ignorance of the communists 'emancipated' and destroyed what knowledge may have been stored there; we learn that there were great and advanced civilizations which have existed in the past, and were destroyed, either by war or interstellar destruction (witness the small bays and coves along the coasts of the eastern USA which seem to have been bombarded by meteor showers, as well as other areas of the planet. When the planet takes a scar, life must start again, but this too may be a part of the evolutionary process, as God evolves through His creation all that which we know as life.
Is it that the Earth is evolved or part of the evolving process; it is both.
As we watch cities grow, we presume they are caused by the will of men. Most often they are caused by natural occurrences in the Earth itself. A plain, a good natural harbor, a resource naturally occurring, or an energy field of which there are many which attracts people. Some are caused by the movements of Animals, especially Man. As he moved about the Earth Trails were formed. They may have been formed by animals, which men out of convenience then followed. Tellurianism is the cause of these first trails, whereby animals are caused to move about in the way in which the Earth is pleased to have them move about. So many great roadways of today have started in this way, and then been extrapolated upon by man, built in a fashion which is practical to the Earth itself, on both a physical and energy or psychic level. Natural formations offer obstacles to mans achievements, thereby causing man to achieve great feats of engineering.
These pathways are often upon Ley lines. These energies traverse the earth. Men have tried to map them, which they must be regularly done, for Ley lines can be altered. Especially before major earth changes, or by new use by mankind. The Earth cause these Leys, which attracts men to follow, and the repeated use by men builds up a Yetziratic or Mental signature which attracts other men to them. The Ley hunters manual (1927 Watkins Meter company) is a good intro to the subject and may be available online or in some new imprint as it is in public domain. It deals mostly with a mundane explanation of the subject, but when applied to Tellurianism much is elucidated.
It must be noted that the Ley lines are not of the same magnetism which alters a compass, but are of an etheric magnetism, equally as potent a force to those who can perceive it. Men have lost their natural senses as less than ethical groups of men have attempted to usurp the individuality; and force most of humankind into serfdom. It is only the individualist who can hear the Mind of God, the mind of Tellos (the Earth) and perceive the influences of the planets; let alone train to perceive the Mind of God. For God does not lower Himself to man; man must raise himself up to Divinity in order to commune with God.
The Secret of the Gods (Neville Spearman Ltd.1974) does a good job of leading further into the realm of Tellurianism. I quote again. "It will be apparent that, for the cells of Oikumenos to remain vital and throbbing with life, the human beings who constitute the vitality of those cells must be attracted to the settlement which forms the nucleus of each cell. Without this attraction, without a bond between people and places, human beings will obviously move away to villages, towns or cities they do find attractive, and so the original settlement will die. This attraction forms one aspect of a force we will term the Telluric force."
It was assumed by Stringer that thusly the natural progression of these matters would cause this Oikumenos or world Spirit to evolve a world government, so that all parts of the Earth could work in unison, but this is a wrong observation; as God has said; Have no Kings, as they will tax you, and build chariots and impress your sons to drive those chariots; effectively stating that you should only have Judges, who should be men who have taken the time to develop themselves spiritually, thusly in contact with the Divine Mind. Basic issues which are massive, such as affect the bio-sphere must be bargained out between Judges and knowledgeable men, whose ends could be voted upon by all; but little done to alter the natural order is the best guide.
Though Oikumenos grows, it is both answerable to both God and man. Stringer presumes that world government will enable an organized effort to a more positive and constructive growth of the whole planet. He see's villages growing into towns and becoming cities as a form of organic cells. If we were to control every cell of the body, or every cellular group as the heart, we would be overburdened to the point of causing organ failure, the which contrasts his view.
The cells know what to do, they are part of the Body of God, the organs know what to do for it is the same for them. People see a need, and people present themselves to fulfill it. Markets are created. Garbage must be moved. An enterprising 13 year old, asks his neighbors if they would pay him a little to move it to a pick up point where a larger more organized entity takes it away. A free society functions quite well.
Where too much manipulation is required there is failure. Groups are organized to protect the environment. It is only when multi national corporations who are a world government unto themselves become too large, that they can cover up what needs to make done, do problems arise. They hide necessity when it threatens their profits. People, acting as individual cells, must band together by their own will, to defeat these entities.
The corporate entity must of course be stopped from growing too large, or it will strangle the rest of life as we know it. Which of course is happening today. Such is the nature of modern Fascism; the merging of the corporation with the state; which is destroying all life through its irresponsible manipulation of the entire planet.
Yet this Oikumenos along with God may have quite a bit up their sleeves in terms of dealing with this new Fascism. If not; Oikumenos will die, and be reborn again.This may begin to sound pagan, but it is not, as we do not suggest worshiping the Earth, nor the god Tellos; but to intelligently begin to peruse the forces of the great Shekinah, the vast Chokmatha, or the Holy Spirit and the Mind of God. The Shekinah enables the mystic to enter the intellect of the Divine. Knock and it shall be answered, seek and ye shall find.
Towns that grow larger than 50,000 people often become out of touch with the Earth force. Yet a city which attempts to build with nature and the 'feel' of the place, comes in touch with its Shekinah or spirit. Cities as are planned by politburo's as in the People Republic of China, are all to often out of touch with nature. They fight against the body of Oikumenos, a body which is created both by Tellos and the group mind of Humanity. There are certain spiritual individuals who of themselves create an environ, where a cell of Oikumenos is created and can grow. This is due to the power of God imbued unto them through their personal efforts and successes with spiritual development. These 'initiates' or Adepts can see into the aethers and read from them and into them. They can conceive of the Holy City, and build it as a vehicle to draw down the force of 'Heaven' and cause the presence of Divinity in the place.
People have auras, places have auras. When me meet someone we have an affinity with, our auras must touch, and accept each other. It is the same with places. The more people 'like' a place, the more that places aura can be made to feel receptive to others. Some beautiful places, with pleasant pacific auras, are located along the rim of fire, where the possibility of terrible destruction looms. Hawaii, has a beautiful aura, but is the top of some of the worlds massive volcanoes. The area dedicated to sugar and pineapple production by large corporations has lost that pacific spirit, and exudes an unpleasant stench. The Oikumenos is imbalanced there.
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