
Friday, November 18, 2011

Architecture and the Apocalypse #1

For those of you who have read this before, we have just noticed that a good part of this post was missing or choppy. We cannot explain the problems we are having with blogspot, but there is
something wrong with the site. When images are posted there are serious problems with the server.
So we hope you will reread this cleaned up A&A post    

                                                            Sacred Architecture

    We hear talk of this in describing the temple Solomon had built, read of Elias the artist, and hear accounts of what the new Jerusalem will be like, but all of it is unclear to most. As with all things let us start with what affects us most. As is common knowledge, the potential for natural catastrophes has greatly increased. Many of the signs of the apocalypse seem to be occurring. Though we cannot live in fear, we can try to prepare. We can attempt to restructure our lives along the lines of those conditions which will enable us to survive a natural disaster and a series of calamities, either forced upon us by nature or man.
     If you go to,you will see one companies  approach to apocalyptic building. They offer a complete system, from the ground up, new materials and building techniques which they hope will resist the worst, whatever that might be. On the site you will see their efforts to construct a palatial estate made to stand up to violent tornadoes, and earthquakes. They are making use of newly developed molded concrete, with a recent development in rebar, metal enforced roofing and various other techniques.
     The site has an interesting gallery covering the building techniques, in various stages of development. They interview the contractors working on the project. Go to, and spend some time on the site. For those of us who cannot afford to build something as grandiose,  we can sttill apply the building techniques used at pensmore.

     Of course only God knows who will survive, and why, we can simply petition the Lord, and build to the best of our abilities. Applying advances and unheard of techniques may be best for a house to withstand the storm. With this in mind, as well as the mystical approach to building as practiced by the Rosenkreutzer and Qabalist we will explore architecture.

      There is a beautiful mysticism surrounding architecture, and a relevant premise in building a safe house to weather the coming storm of the apocalypse. In these posts, we will cover,  the art of Architecture as practiced by the enlightened in an approach to construct something sound enough to improve the protection offered by your dwelling, and the rarely practiced or understood art of building to proportions described as being holy, so that you live in the house of God (Beth-El) and do not end up in the blasted tower. Most may not even know that there is a sacred art to architecture which is a part of the western religious tradition.

     The suggested reading on this subject of architecture and spiritual measure is;
          a. The source of measures. Skinner
          b. Fire and Stone. Duffy
          c. The beautiful necessity
          d. The Canon. Stirling
          e. The Golden Ratio. Livio
          f.  and last but not least; How to survive the end of the world as we know it. Wesley-Rawles, who gives many tips on how to secure a typical dwelling of the modern middle class era (lots of practical tips.).

     Most of us are limited by circumstance and finances, which does still not negate what might be the best choice of structure to resist catastrophe. A more solid structure might have difficulties in a very strong earthquake situation, but be great in resisting tornadoes and hurricanes. You must consider for yourself where you would like to ride out this coming storm called the Apocalypse. It is said we have at least another 16 years to go through. I can only hope that the doomsayers are wrong. Since prophecy seems to be coming to pass, I myself feel it is necessary to prepare. Yet we cannot live in paranoia and fear, just in the response to information, and the likelihood of certain circumstances causes us to make choices in response. The socialists have the' what me worry' attitude, do as the government tells you, as long as they are in control of the government. Katrina showed us how much we can trust in governments.
     Lets talk about the average dwelling first. Mr. Rawles has lots of ideas to contribute, so read him, but I will add a few. Understand, that if you are dependent upon government supplied water, you've got a problem. If you want to ride out the storm in a home you own in the city or suburbia,  adding a water storage tank/tower, might not be a bad idea (which can capture rainwater), along with a water purification system you can use for water you might be able to scrounge up when the need arises, and some system for trapping rain. Passive solar can help, as could a small windmill, but they are not good in all areas, and could tip off others to your location. A diesel generator might help, but can also tip off others to your existence, which might prove disastrous. Low lying areas are unsafe, it is considered that to be safe, you should be living at at least 1000 feet (300 meters) above sea level.
     You should also construct a safe room, a keep somewhere in your house that you and yours can run into and lock yourself in without detriment. Most looters, rapists and other people whom we shall classify as desperate, will not bother with a house that is too difficult to get into, or an area of a house that is too difficult to break into, or concealed. There will be lots of empty houses to loot, but if they think what you have is worth it, they might become industrious, especially if its a gang of people.
     A small bathroom (WC) will be required. This is easy to install in a basement. If you are going to install one in an upper level, make sure that all the pipes are hidden, preferably behind sheet rock. You can use water you find outside, to flush the toilet, thereby not wasting your precious stored water supply (remembering to turn off the water to the toilet), nor having to go through the hassle of purifying it. As must be obvious, your water storage should be hidden as must the pipes that run to your keep/panic room.
     A hand pump (not necessary if the water comes from above) can be installed for the sink, its probably a good idea to put a sink large enough to do dishes in). If the rainfall is good you might have enough water for flushing. A method to capture rainwater should be included, and an easy system to fill the tank with water you have found from outside and will place in storage after purifying should also be thought of. Understand that eventually the toilet may not be flush able, as the city sewage system may no longer be operating. Chances are most people will leave the city, so it might take some time before the toilet can no loner flush. If you live in suburbia and have enough land to do so, and local ordinances allow it, you might consider a leech field system for your waste.
      If not, be prepared to dig an outhouse in the back yard, which will require someone to guard whoever is using the outhouse, and have a good supply of ridex ( it pays to know what is under the ground, so find out now, if we are fortunate, you will never have to do this, but being prepared for any contingency is sensible.). For a few hundred dollars more you can install a bidet in your keep bathroom, in case the toilet paper runs out ( for those of you who live in the states, a bidet is easy to learn to use, and a great comfort, no bathroom should be without one.)
    Keeping a low profile helps if you don't want a fight on your hands, but still be prepared for a fight. The keep (panic room);  I am going to suggest will require a ten by ten area minimum for each person, though you probably could make due with less. The(dry) basement is probably a good place. If you do not want to be in the basement, you must consider what is under the floor, and if that presents an easy access option for those who might be hunting you. The floor must be secured. You can find most of the building materials I am suggesting at a home depot, and local metal supply ( much of which can be bought on line, though shipping heavy materials adds cost.)
     If in a basement with cement walls on three sides, only one secure wall needs to be constructed. Use steel 2x4's and concrete board with metal mesh ( that they use to form feral concrete for example, or use for applying stucco on exterior walls,it is thick and very difficult to cut through.) on the exterior and interior walls made of concrete board. You will attach the concrete board to the outside of your metal beams, and the inside of those same beams, use at least 3 inch (about 7 or 8 centimeters) anchors into both the floor and walls ( this should then be finished with sheetrock). The ceiling must be secured as well. If you have the skill, or can afford to pay a contractor, have the floor above made into a poured concrete floor, you can even include pipes for heating, and change the way you heat your house (hot water heat).If not, line the ceiling with the same concrete board.
      If the walls are just cinderblock, they too must be secured with the same concrete board system of wall reinforcing. Once you get used to working with concrete you might come up with an efficient and more satisfying system of enforced wall building.
     You can improve on the door, by using a solid wooden door, most are hollow these days, upon which you mount metal plates. You must weld the door hinges onto the frame which the concrete board is mounted onto,  and which should be strong enough to support the weight of the door, and resist force put upon it. As might be obvious you must bolt the metal onto the door with round head bolts that are smooth so they cannot be screwed off. A light touch with a welder will make them stay on better. Be sure to tighten the nuts  on the inside with power tools. The door frame should be made with strips of metal mounted onto the concrete board wall to leave no openings around the door. If you can, pour concrete ( a wet mix) between the concrete board walls for added strength and resistance.
     I prefer the door opening inwards with a bar or two across it. The choice is yours though.
     It is a good idea to come up with a camouflaging system for the keep wall. In the basement, building a sheet rocked wall with a moving frame of sheetrock  to conceal the real door to your panic room and can lock from the inside, might cause others to overlook the possibility of a hidden chamber. Leaving the basement unfinished is not uncommon, and might dissuade someone from checking to see if something is behind the wall. Seeing several panels of unfinished sheet rock will not make your door seam visible.
     Remember that ventilation is usually a very important. Secreted vents are important. You must draw air from above. bringing the vents high enough (mounting them near the roof) should be adequate. You might have to come up with a hand or bicycle operated fan, or generator. As will be obvious, you can probably come up with lots of ideas to make this work, and read what many others might have to say on this.
     It is also common sense to check on building codes in your area. Many towns are repressive and run by politicians with their hands out for pay offs, but usually a wall in the cellar, or even putting a new room in anywhere in the house does not have to be reported ( privacy could be an important issue.). A bathroom might have to be reported, or you can wing it, and just install it. At least follow code requirements in your installation process, so that no one can say anything you have done is a hazard, and usually code is for your safety. Copper mechanically fitted pipes are about the least toxic of choices you have for water delivery. Use pvc for waste but not drinking water.
     Many might want their panic room to be secret. In Los Angeles, the gangs were ordering members to join the police, for obvious reasons, so privacy might be a good idea to protect against gov gangbangers. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. The whole of our society, its institutions, and premises need to be rethought. In Germany, the intelligence service was covering for Nazi activities, warning the National Socialists of police stakeouts, funding foreign passports for party members, and proving itself to be a tool for international socialism (of the Nazi variety). The party members were involved in a ring which murders foreigners of 'inferior' races. They funded their operations through bank robberies and other illegal operations.
     This was not in 1944, it was last year. It is obvious that all they need is to have party members to apply for a government job, and they become the government!
     If society breaks down, something along the lines of an Italian keep will come in quite handy in resisting thieves, rapists and cannibals, the worst we might expect, though who knows what to expect. Certainly New Orleans after Katrina was a great example. Law enforcement, instead of preserving and protecting, treated almost everyone as the enemy. Our researchers heard from a coroner working between Mississippi and Louisiana, that there were over a million deaths and disappeared in the area, and that it was covered up by the Federal Gov.; who can say. We, who have not at all been affected by the catastrophe can only sympathize and wonder what would happen if it occurred where we live.
     Malcontents are learning what the Gov. will do for them (as of 15 November 2011), they are experiencing first hand what the great Maoist quote meant, though Mao became, as do all socialists , a character in the Orwellian novel Animal Farm. The only hope for the future is little or no government, and to end the cult of personality. A government for the people and by the people does not infringe upon the rights of the individual, and aids in the protection of its people in their pursuit of happiness. Under fascism the government and the corporations merge, and the gov., does what is most profitable. It is obvious that members of National Socialism have infiltrated the entire structure of world government on many levels.
     The rise of the 'new' right, misplaces true conservative values, with petty manipulative edicts. The left is notorious for the same, busy bodies infringing on the rights and freedoms of others. When you go far enough right or left you end up in the desert called socialism, where all and everything is destroyed. Look at the end of the Soviet Union,  the toxic waste dump that is Russia, or the bombed out shell of a civilization that Germany was in 1945.
     In the next post we will discuss keeps of the past, and modern approaches to the concept. As bad as things might seem, the hope of prophecy, is that there shall be a new golden age after the worst of the apocalypse has occurred, not the entire ruination of civilization. Let us prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

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