
Monday, July 9, 2012

Sell your cloak and buy a sword.

     You might find that you would like to practice and develop a method of using the sword. People today are developing the ideas as depicted in the Codex Wallerstein.

      I like the approach of the people at You might also like to check on SwArtaMartialArts, they too offer the developing techniques of ancient western martial arts.

      You will find a great deal on youtube and the internet. In many ways you must choose the path you follow, but this can be done by what attracts you. 

     You will find many techniques, and they should include grappling. Your goal should be to stay away from your opponent, but when that choice is gone, a response to an attacker should be learned. It must be remembered that the west had very serious martial arts, in many ways similar to the eastern, but noticeably adapted to the western temperment.

      There are numerous people and groups attempting to work out the techniques depicted in old books. They seem to be making sense out of them. There are many videos offering a view of different techniques

     You can find this Judo bayonet practice video on youtube. Its techniques can be used with a 6 foot pole for practice, and are very effective.

                       The Mairs Codex will also give you many ideas to experiment with.

      If you ride, there are people associated with Hammaborg de. who have worked on developing these techniques for use while on horseback.
      I have found many youtube videos for knife fighting. I am not impressed with them. Possibly I have not seen enough of them. There are numerous modern techniques, which seem lacking, so you will just have to review the techniques and see if you can adopt anything in a practical fashion.

     I would approach all of this as a sport, which can be very useful if things get bad. As we have been warned to learn the art of the sword by prophecy, we must remember the civility and respect for life inherent in the biblical traditions, especially to those who are Christian. Avoid conflict, but be capable of self defense, if the need should arise. Though this post is short, you will find a few hours of useful video to watch, so it really is one of our longest efforts. We hope you find this of interest.

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