
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tellurianism #2

     Unfortunately, more than 1/2 of the first post on Tellurianism was lost while publishing it. We can only guess that pictures with text create problems for the blogs posting. It seems only one or two pictures can be posted with a large body of text. We have decided to attempt to flesh out the rest of the essay, to grant those a description of a subject they may not choose to purchase books on, as well as to offer our distinct elucidations on the subject. Let us begin with a quote from Stringers the secret of the gods.
     "To summarize the argument so far. Tellurianism postulates that human beings live inside an immense 'person', named Oikumenos, who is effectively, our god." He means this not as in to say it is the God of the old testament, but that it has such an influence upon us, in influencing our moods, where we will live, how we will live, where we will plant our food, that this Oikumenos, is effectively created by a combination of the Earths forces, and the group mind of humanity. The force of Tellos leads us to walk the Earth in its chosen paths, which mingle with the choices of mankind's creative and practical drive to build out of 'necessity' and of what is possible, along with what seems profitable and pleasing to all.
      To return to Stringer; "The body of this 'person', is the human reticulum, seen in space-time, the immense system of interpenetrating networks of cities and towns, villages and farms, factories and ports, roads and railways, which are the means whereby continuing human life on Earth is made possible at a civilized level. Oikumenos obtains its nourishment from the Earth: from soil and rock, from the atmosphere and the ocean, and from its plant and animal life. It is consciousness itself, but not at present fully conscious, because human group consciousness is developed separately in different parts of the human reticulum. For example, the group consciousness of the people living in a given village is a distinct entity (not, however, without connections with similar consciousness elsewhere), kept jealously separate from the group consciousness of the inhabitants of a nearby town. This partitioning of group consciousnesses, so that they are to some extent isolated from each other--if the villagers so decide--(and allowing for the possibility that individual men or women may change allegiance from one village to another, or from village to town, or vice versa) ensures that the vitality of even the smallest cells of Oikumenos is maintained."
     What he is getting at, is that Oikumenos will not be fully consciousness until men are, and until men can easily live in happiness, no longer distressed, hungry, and wanting and free to pursue happiness. For mankind is the blood of Oikumenos. In order for the planet to attain full consciousness, men must attain manhood. As the few pollute the entire planet with bad methods of production, motivated by profit alone, as these 1% attempt to enchain humanity into a state of serfdom on a scale unknown in history, the life blood of Oikumenos will be unhealthy, cut off from the communion with all. It seems as though humanity is being bound together by the media, people get an inkling of life in America from movies, but do not have a uniting influence spiritually.
       So too, as humanity does not undertake the struggle of spiritual development, to have union with God, as they are kept in the darkness by States and religions who would see them as a cog in a great machine, where the state decides the needs, and the intercessor of various religions the spiritual  experiences of the individual; the individual cells of Oikumenos are starved in darkness, and the whole planet suffers and is brought closer to death, which is of course, against life. If this is not altered and the forces of evil win out, then all life as we know it will be made extinct, and Tellos will start over again, with the blessing of God.  Thus the bible speaks of the Edomite kings, having been destroyed for their evil. The old civilization speak of former civilizations which have been destroyed. God made the Dinosaurs, and then there was a mass extinction. All to build Oikumenos.
     We see this as a continuing series of stages in the evolution of the soul, of both man, and the universe, all set in motion by the Willing of God. God is evolution, stated long ago by the Alchemists, it is part of the process of creation, tied to freewill and the natural progression of things. The world created in days spoken of in the bible, is the symbolic language of the stages of the development of life. What is a day in the life of God. Creation proceeds in this process. Read Fludds the mosaical philosophy. By the mind of man merging with Tellos, Tellos is uplifted and man drawn to a perfect understanding of the Earth. How it functions and what must be done to be a part of existence.
     On the level of Oikumenos, the planetary spirit, has a subtle intelligence that is more prone to 'think' if you could call it that, in terms of the space time continuum. It looks at life as the totality of past present and future, as a single body in space-time. As a farmer tills the soil, he might choose to plant alfalfa, and when it is grown, turn it back into the soil to enrich it, the Earth sees all as a continuing process. What is essential must be done. As with God, we must too prove ourselves essential; to the Earth, so that we are not all tilled back into the soil, but are the essential life blood of Telluros, and to God, that we have grown an immortal soul, so that we are proof of being human instead of some temporary animal, and part of the food chain. If we are a blight upon the planet, Tellos will treat the wound, destroy the plague, assimilate the virus or out of control bacteria; and go on living. With or without us is not the question. If we were to become extinct, intelligent life would rise again, one way or another. Yet we have the power to make ourselves essential, and immortal.
     Mr. Stringer goes on to describe how Oikumenos grows, and clarifies much with; "Oikumenos is not yet fully developed, but its body is likely to reach its maximum possible size sometime in the early part of the twenty-second century. Our problem is to ensure that, whilst this stage is being attained, this body remains as soft and organic as possible. We must develop and re-develop the human reticulum so that it does not become hard and set: its arteries must not harden, its muscles must not atrophy, and the sensitivity in no part of its body must die. Because if any of these things should happen, then Oikumenos will not be a fit place in which humans can live. This means that planners and politicians, engineers and businessmen, and in fact men and women in general, must examine critically all proposals concerning the development of our physical environment, in order to assess their probable effect upon the body of vitality of Oikumenos."
     Stringer felt that we needed a world government to plan this, but history has taught that state planning always fails. What we need is true education, so that all understand the laws of conservation, and are exposed to the principles which ensure a balanced ecosystem. In cities are the majority of voters, who all too often do not comprehend the issues they are voting upon. The few, the rich, the crafty; manipulate those who are out of touch with the life force itself, which includes the majority of voters.
     In socialist societies, the campaigns for the 'development' of resources and manufactures, are touted as a means for full employment, in the so called capitalist societies the general good is usually tied up with the greatest profits for the few, who are usually the only ones who can afford to advertise for a specific proposition. The masses are manipulated, the planet mishandled, the few enriched, and Oikumenos slowed, descimated. 'Government' has effectively become the means for the destruction of all life as we know it, whether capitalist or socialist. Judges versed in the way of things is our only hope, along with harsh punishment for corruption.
     Things need to be slowed down. We need to look at the very long term effects of our actions, of our creations. What are the long term effects upon the eco-system, upon the genome itself. We need to view things from the perspective of space time itself. Life courses through the universe. Back to Stringer: "Human settlements keep alive because they generate sympathetic impressions in the minds of human beings. In other words, the cells of Oikumenos retain their life spirit whilst the net Telluric Force associated with the settlements form those cells--i.e. the overall impression of those settlements in the minds of all the men and women who, at that time, are capable of physically changing the settlements--is positive."
     Man was told to be fruitful and multiply. To populate the Earth. The picture of life in Wales as families subdivided caused man to mingle with the land, families split, sons founded new houses and farms. Yet now we create great hive cities (the Japanese being great proponents of the develop of hive living), with no concept of the true consequence of the long term effects. Is it not inevitable to build thusly, or can man spread out. Half the reason behind the great hive, is the landlord profit motive.
      Though there are places which draw people; are they drawn there by choice, by advertising and propaganda, or by Tellos? Most of the Earth is still unpopulated, there is plenty of land; but it must be divided up, not by profit motive, but in balance with the ecosystem. As men cultivate and take care of the Earth, the ecosystem can be balanced, mankind becomes a part of the ecosystem and the consciousness of Tellos expands, is elevated . Deserts can be turned into paradises, and land spared from pollution, people spared from the disease caused thereby.  We are not allowing ourselves to grow with the Earth, because the few have not figured how to profit from freedom, but only prosper from slavery. They feel that if you are living, they must prosper from it. Present at a business meeting, one could not help but overhear a Chinaman brag about how many people worked under his authority. 20,000 he was so proud to gush, sitting up, grabbing his lapels; this is the nature of the beast, not the natural order of God. Man must become a part of the body of Tellos, so that the Earth will rise to its full potential as is in the plan of evolution set in action by God. We evolve it, and it enables us to create the perfect civilization.
      A very interesting idea of how settlements grow has been put forward by Jane Jacobs. She allows that cities are the primary forms of human settlement, and that, in prehistoric time, agriculture and animal husbandry first appeared in cities, rather than in the open country. In other words, she suggests that human beings lived first of all in pre-agricultural cities of hunters, and that the cultivation of grain and the domestication of animals was first accomplished within city walls.
     It must be stated here, that civilization has risen and fallen many times. What we know of, is the remains of what can be found. Great mounds have been found, wherein city was built upon the old city that was destroyed, many times over. Every time man fell, he would have to rise from a primitive state in the protection of the settlement, till he could branch out on his own.
     The struggle between Cain and Abel, is the struggle between the city dweller and the plainsman, who roamed and hunted freely, coming to 'cities' to trade for food stuffs and manufactures. This worked quite well, until the Cainites starting closing off the land, charging rents and tolls, and making the life of the traveling plainsman impossible. Cain kills Abel, because he was unprofitable, would not pay the price, refused serfdom. The Cainites rule today, but are not a part of Oikumenos. The Earth may have to expel us all, as the body does bad blood, or else it dies. In keeping with prophecy though, not all, but many will perish.
     Cities do better to grow organically, to have farms, and well managed preserves for raising animals, this will make them spread farther, and not be profitable for the 1%, but they will promote more sensible living, with local agriculture while avoiding overcrowding. Affordable transit will enable larger sprawls to coexist with the environment, and resources can easily be distributed by individual choice. As there is a need, enterprise shall see that it is met, but not try to trick people into wanting that which they do not truly desire. Ultimately all responsibility rests with the individual. We must not be tricked, cajoled, and manipulated into that which we do not desire. We must make intelligent choices, be in a constant state of learning.
     Democracy fails when people become ignorant, and serfdom soon follows. How can the intelligent individual thrive?
     The biosphere is not more than one-thousandth part of the Earths diameter.Living organisms are physical  systems made of matter and energy, and they obey the same laws of physics (generally) and chemistry as do things made of non living matter, yet the living body is more than the sum of the machines within it. This biosphere is a somewhat irregular sphere, because it does not cover the Earth uniformly. There are parts of the Earth that are too cold, too dry or too hot to support living organisms, i.e. organisms that are capable of metabolism, and the spores of bacteria and fungi (which can be carried high in the atmosphere) are found at different heights above the ground in different parts of the world.
     Virus' and other simple forms of life may even be able to exist in the seeming vacuum of space, transmitted about the Universe. Hence, life is not rigid, and can spread out into space, and the Oikumenos can grow beyond the limits of this one world, and this single solar system. It will take a great advancement of human wisdom for this. Man must come closer to being godlike. God is perceived by the higher man. Life is a subtlety, as is evidenced by this thin layer of biosphere we call home, which is so subtle, it is a wonder that it is at all.As our Oikumenos spreads, it and its creations cause threads of connection between our world and others. The process expands. What intellects shall we encounter as we expand outwards, how will our Oikumenos influence other worlds. If Stringer is correct, then we can expect that space exploration is more of a 22nd century endeavor, with its beginning in our current era.
     Man must not fall to Babel though. All advancement is a natural progression. In consideration of all things man progresses not in false pride.  To quote again; " A unique characteristic of the circulation system of life is that it contains elements of widely differing ages. Because the atmospheric circulation system thoroughly mixes up the substances carried in the air, the next breath you inhale will contain, for example, atoms exhaled by Jesus at Gethsemane, by Adolph Hitler at Munich, and by various atomic explosions, chimneys and car exhausts during the last couple of years. Obviously, therefore, one 'breath' of Bios must cover a time-span of some 2,000 years at least. All things in a constant state of transformation, are separate but the same.
     No cell, no human being can live for long without contact with other cells, or other human beings, if they are to fulfil their function without a living body greater than themselves. Neither can the organs within the body of life exist for very long without other organs. Thus Oikumenos depends upon the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom to enable it to survive on the planet. This prompts the question: are there 'creatures' other than Oikumenos, and akin to the latter, living at present on the surface of the Earth? There are, indeed, a number of such creatures, and they are all at some stage or other, essential to the life of Oikumenos, although they do come into conflict with the latter."
      Rather than allow this post to go on for too long, we shall continue the discussion in part three.

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