
Friday, April 29, 2011

Where to go? That is the question! Apocalypse #5

     If you obsess too much about losing your life, will you save it?  The new agers have their concepts and solutions, some have read Fulcanelli.  We could read scripture about how two will be in a field, one will be spared and one will be taken. As Yeheshuah ( Jesus to the plebeian of you) makes perfectly clear in John I believe it is; God is the Lord of the living, not the dead. You who have made Christianity a religion of the dead (Osirian cult) have confused what is being said. The Rosenkreutzer chooses life, he works in the forces of life. The Bruder greets his fellow with the hand grasp of fire, the Aesch ha Qadosh. Only another of the order can know it. Not some masonic claptrap, this is the Chiaoth ha Qadosh.                                 
     So who can you touch, pray tell? No one probably, at least not entirely. What I will offer to you are suggestions of where to go, and what to do. You must use intuition, applying that intuition to your circumstances. We must make an effort to survive, especially the more enlightened of you, for the future of man and God, and the joy of existence. As Jodorosky  paints his adepts; 'you want my life, here, take it'.  Do not cling to life like a drowning man, attempt to live with nobility, circumstances permitting.
     Yet we should have the will to live. Obviously to live is to have the opportunity to will. Eheieh asher Eheieh, can be translated as' I am that I am', but in truth it means' I manifest My Will', the clearest definitive of what God is. This is the nature of God, and we must be a microcosm of the Divine. As above so below. We must learn to will.
     Fulcanelli, Canseliet, or whom ever penned le mystere des Cathedrals, has a short after thought on the subject of chiliasm. Christ after all does mention that he comes to bring a baptism of fire.
     Igne Natura Renovatur Integra,  by fire nature is renewed, which is true in the spiritual and alchemical sense, but also applies to the world. The rise of rulers and the nation state is warned; but the deterioration of society, as we move from the golden age of times long gone, to the evil age of iron, wherein evil and ignorance rule, the present, requires a renovation. The crude greed of ignorance, the age where businessmen are king, will be rewarded with cataclysm according to this viewpoint of the chiliast. Anarchy of production and consumption causes the destruction of the environment; the world is a garden, which must be tended according to Genesis.
     Rulers elected for their business acumen, the bourgeois meddling in affairs which are not their own, has left us in a spat of unceasing warfare, and ecological ruin. What is good for General Dynamics may not be good for the U.S.A., though perpetual warfare may be good for the stock holders. Of  course, returning to Fulcanelli, Cathedrals was written before the National Socialists took control of Germany and then Europe, and the rule of the lower classed  bore its fruit. Such is the nature of little men when they manage to usurp authority, and such the nature of the evil Fulcanelli describes as taking control of our present age.
     The Bush, Walker, Harriman, and Rockefeller (to name a few) support of 20th century facist principles formulated by Mussolini has certainly got the world in a pickle. From energy choices, to unending war, from a medical system put in place by Rockefeller which will attempt to pace legislation to force every citizen to use the remedies of the drug companies, the health industrial complex and their 'doctors', while making traditional medicine (read herbal, acupuncture and related natural cures, including the use of vitamins.) illegal as it is now in the E.U., will enable the new ruling class of the bourgeois robber barons to enforce a new serfdom as never before seen in the history of the human race.
    Most of the citizens are so snowed, that they cannot conceive of any form of approach to reality as differing from what they were taught in their public school systems, which were pleaded for by these same robber barons in the 1880's in the U.S.  Led and bread from birth, the world has been shaped by those who would be masters, who play with the daily prices of commodities which they have very often created a use for ; making money at point of sale, and on the speculation upon the prices thereof, and in the final use of these commodities. They are literally laughing all the way to the bank, while most of the people trained in the schools they created, have no idea of what is going on.
     They are behind the destruction of the environment, passing blame where ever possible, when they are the controlling force behind industry and consumption for over 150 years. Such is the nature of the beast. Christ has no mercy for them or their lawyers.  This is what 'Fulcanelli is referring to as part of the age of evil. Christ makes this clear as well. As Fukushima burns, will General Electric take any blame. The nature of catastrophe could not be entirely in the visions and experiences of prophets of the past, but they tried to describe what would occur. As the Archangel Uriel shows the prophet Esdras ovens when he asks what would be the fate of the Jews, how could the prophet exactly interpret the meaning.
     So, Fulcanelli, back in 1925 attempts to guide us to a safe place in the coming cataclysm (little did he realize that much of the trouble for mans demise is mans own profligate use of the environment). He seems to mention a place in the south of France. The new agers read Hendaye, and flocked there to be 'saved', but Fulcanelli makes the very marked statement that only the elect will be saved, which of course is a matter of opinion, because Christ envisions a multitude being saved. Who can say. If you would seek guidance and the truth enter Christs baptism in the sacred fire of God.
     Fulcanelli goes on to mention the book of Matthew, and performs a comfortable exegesis upon the name Matthew, which leads us to believe that there is some secret we can glean from Matthew, or that science, which is what the name Matthew is interpreted to mean by Fulcanelli, can save us. Next we see a picture from the church of St. Trophime where a Hierophantic figure sits giving the traditional blessing with the Jupiter and Saturn fingers conjoined, which dates back to the ancient Egyptians, the figure being surrounded by the four kerubs of the testaments, that is the Lion, Eagle, Angel, and Bull, all winged, all symbolizing the elemental powers, those great powers which are the ethers.
    This too was symbolized by Hathor of the ancient Egyptians, the cow goddess, dating back to the golden age, who like the cow we must milk. From Hathor, we get the Greek Methor, to the Victorian Ether. The science of the art (that is Alchemy) depends upon these etheric forces, and their manipulation. The overall symbology of this picture is that the time for assessing all souls is at hand, and only he who has the power of blessing might be able to peer into the ethers for an answer, and manipulate them with his power.
     Next Fulcanelli mentions Zoroaster, founder of the religion which worships fire. Through time it was forgotten by their devotees that the fire was the fire of the alchemist which does not burn the hands, but is projected through them, that aid, that universal agent, which aids the transformation of mercury lessening the elements of times interstellar influences, enabling the stone to transubstantiate matter, into the Petros Philosophorum.
     This same fire can be entered into wherein the future can be observed. As Fulcanelli states as the opening line of his 'conclusion', "Nature does not open the door of the sanctuary indiscriminately to everyone." Fulcanelli then names the four elemental powers, stating; "By constant exercise of the faculties of observation and reasoning and by meditation, the novice will climb the steps leading to Knowledge A simple imitation of natural processes, skill combined with ingenuity, the insight born of long experience will secure for him the Power (in place of the traditional "will') Having obtained that, he will still have need of patience, constancy and unshakeable will, Brave and resolute, he will be enabled by the certainty and confidence born of a strong faith to Dare Finally,when success has crowned so many years of labour, when his desires have been accomplished, the Wise Man, despising the vanities of the world, will draw near to the humble, the disinherited, to all those who work, suffer, struggle and weep here below. As an anonymous and dumb disciple of eternal Nature, an apostle of eternal Charity, he will remain faithful to his vow of silence. In Science, in Goodness, the Adept must evermore keep silent."
     Go to page 79 in the Neville Spearman edition of 1971 (Le mystere des Cathedrales) and read from; "Here are some quotations", to understand the fire he is speaking of. Remember that elsewhere in the texts where he talks about the two barrels, he is indicating what must be done by the alchemist to retain force (called by some the form of Harpocrates); in the protection of his athanoor,  and retention of fiery force to peer through. The baptism of the world in fire is a question that asks and answers itself over and over again. The old saying was Scire velle audere tacere, to know, to will, to dare to be silent, or at rest. Sometimes inaction (in the fire) brings a complete clarity to action.
     We will observe what Matthew might contain in its tome, that is the 'Angel', in a later post. What is most noteworthy of the cross at Hendaye was that it could be a vehicle for elucidation. Very few places are entirely safe, some much less than others, many being unsafe, may contain safe areas. Two will be in a field, one will be saved and one will be taken. We can speculate upon the safe places in the world, what we must do is find Divine guidance as to where is the safest place for us.

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